• products
    • Dosing and Packaging machines
      • mpu 01
          mpu 01 Vertical machine for Dosing and Packaging of free-flowing, granulated, grainy, powder and liquid products as coffee, nuts, beans, salt, macaroni, frozen fruits and vegetables, cosmetics, honey, etc. in THREE-SIDED SEALED packs with volume of 10-1500 ml
      • mpu 02
          mpu 02 Vertical machine for Dosing and Packaging of free-flowing, granulated, grainy, powder and liquid products as coffee, nuts, beans, salt, macaroni, frozen fruits and vegetables, cosmetics, honey, etc. in THREE-SIDED SEALED packs with volume of 20-3000 ml.
      • mpu 03
          mpu 03 Horizontal machine for packaging of single solid products as croissants, waffles, biscuits, bread, cake, burgers, salads, sandwiches, napkins etc
      • mpu 04
          mpu 04 Vertical machine for Dosing and Packaging of free-flowing, granulated, grainy, powder and liquid products as sugar, species, ground coffee, ketchup, mayonnaise, juices, cosmetics, etc. in FOUR-SIDED SEALED up to 5 parallel packs with volume of 10 - 400 ml
      • mpu 05
          mpu 05 Vertical machine for Dosing and Packaging products as: washing powder, dry mortar and forage mixtures, dried or frosen fruits and vegetables, salt, coffee, nuts, beans, salt, etc. in THREE-SIDED SEALED packs with volume of 3 - 30 l (up to 25 kg).
      • mpu 08
          mpu 08 Vertical 5-channeled machine for Dosing and Packaging of free-flowing, granulated, powder and liquid products as sugar, coffee, cream, honey, etc. in five parallel THREE-SIDED SEALED packs with volume of 10 - 35 ml.
      • mpu 11
          mpu 11 Dosing and Packaging of free-flowing, granulated, grainy, powder and liquid products in packs (cans, bottles) made by plastics, glass, paper or metal. Sticking of single lids, screwing of covers for multiple use or seaming of metal lids.
      • mpu 16
          mpu 16 Vertical 2-channeled machine for Dosing and Packaging of free-flowing, granulated, grainy, powder and liquid products as nuts, beans, salt, macaroni, frozen fruits and vegetables, etc. in two parallel THREE-SIDED SEALED packs with volume of 0.5 - 8 l (up to 10 kg.)
    • Plastic thermoforming machines
      • tfa 01
          tfa 01 This machine is designed for thermoforming of round products from granular polystyrene. The final product can be coffee/tee cup, plastic dishes, yogurt container etc. In a single cycle the forming of the final product is made at three working positions.
      • tfa 02
          tfa 02 This single-socket blast automat produces bottles for ketchup, mayonnaise, cosmetics, acids, species, etc. with capacity from 100 ml to 1500 ml made from various thermoplastic powder or granular materials such as PE, PP, PET-G и PVC
      • tfa 03
          tfa 03 is thermoforming machine produces cups, plates, lids, cake and sandwich packs, blisters etc., using up to 630 mm flexible plastic film on rolls.
      • tfa 04
          tfa 04 This thermoforming machine produces cups, plates, lids, cake and sandwich packs, blisters etc., using up to 320 mm flexible plastic film on rolls.
      • tfa 05
          tfa 05 This thermoforming machine produces cups, plates, lids, cake and sandwich packs, blisters etc., using up to 140 mm flexible plastic film on rolls.
    • Blister machines from "form-fill-seal" type
      • tfp 01
          tfp 01 The machine uses 300 mm heat sealable plastic film to form a cup, which is then filled with product, and heat-sealed with top foil and cut off while the film is being transported horizontally. Products to be packed: Honey, jam, ketchup, mayonnaise, juices, etc.
      • tfp 02
          tfp 02 The machine uses 140 mm heat sealable flexible plastic packaging film to form a cup, which is then filled with product, and heat-sealed with upper top foil and cut off. Products to be packed: Honey, jam, ketchup, mayonnaise, juices, sticks, etc.
    • Dosing Systems
      • BIG-BAG
      • 1-2 kg
          1-2 kg Installation for batching and packing of free-flowing or powder products in open-ended ready-made bags.
      • 5-50 kg
          5-50 kg Automatic systems able to batch, fill up and sew up (stick on) paper or plastic sacks with flour, forage mixture, cement or other aggregates.
      • auger
          screw Installation for auger weighing and packing of power products in jars, containers etc..
      • free flow
          free flow Installation for volumetric batching and packing of free-flowing products in bottles and packs.
      • belt
          belt Weighter intended for batching and packing of free-flowing products in packs, bags, jars, containers etc.
      • liquid
          liquid Installation for volumetric batching and packing of liquid and jelly in bottles and packs.
    • Automatic Line for Packaging in Vacuum Packs
      • alpvp
          alpvp Dosing and Packaging of free-flowing, granulated, grainy products as: rice, beans, nuts, coffee, etc. in THREE-SIDED SEALED vacuum packs.
    • Robots and Manipulators
      • LDP 6
          robotic line Fully automated robotic line designed for feeding, dosing, sealing, transporting, vibration leveling and palletizing of packed paper, polyethylene or polypropylene bags on pallets.
      • LDP 23
          PALLETIZING ROBOT Automatic palletizing of packed paper, polyethylene or polypropylene bags on pallets.
mpu 11
production line for
dosing in solid containers

Compact design.
Easy maintenance.
Highly reliable.

Dosing and Packaging of free-flowing, granulated, grainy, powder and liquid products in packs (cans, bottles) made by plastics, glass, paper or metal. Sticking of single lids, screwing of covers for multiple use or seaming of metal lids.

Various type of dosers are used depending on products to be packed, precision and productivity needed.
The method of dosing can be volumetric and / or gravimetric.

Cap screwing devices.
Lid seeming devices.
Cover sticking devices.
Stacking units. Transporting units (elevators, conveyers, augers) to load the hopper
Hot printers
⇓⇓ video ⇓⇓
Overall dimensionslenght2200 mm
width2100 mm
height2600 - 3200mm
Weight800 kg
Pack sizelenghtup to 200 mm
widthup to 200 mm
heightup to 150 mm
Range of dosesfrom 100 to 1000 g
Power supply220 V; 50 Hz; 4500 W
Air supply0.63 MPa; 500 l/min
Productivityup to 20 packs/min
depending on product
and doser type

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